Культурный центр Ататюрка

Культурный центр Ататюрка (тур. Atatürk Kültür Merkezi; AKM) в Стамбуле занимает видное место на площади Таксим. Кроме того, что он служит многофункциональным культурным центром и оперным театром, он является и одним из символов Стамбула. Его здание представляет собой один из самых ярких образцов турецкой архитектуры 1960-х годов


Два турецких архитектора, Феридун Кип и Рюкнеттин Гюней, предложили проект центра 29 мая 1946 года, работы по фундаменту здания начались и продолжались, пока финансирование проекта не было прекращено в 1953 году. В 1956 году строительство возобновилось с Хаяти Табанлыоглу в качестве архитектора. Здание, первоначально называвшееся Стамбульским дворцом культуры, было закончено через 13 лет и было открыто 12 апреля 1969 года, через 23 года после выдвижения проекта 1946 года. Однако спустя 19 месяцев, 27 ноября 1970 года, во время пьесы Артура Миллера «Суровое испытание» (в турецкой версии «Ведьмин котёл») вспыхнул пожар. В нём никто не погиб, но вместе со зданием IV сгорела и часть предметов, привезённых из дворца Топкапы (кафтан, принадлежащий султану Мураду IV, картина с его изображением, ценный Коран) для роли Мурада IV. Причину пожара установить не удалось.

By June 2008, the cultural center was taken out of use for renovations. The center has been closed since then, when a major refurbishment to bring the building up to date before Стамбул took over the title of Культурная столица Европы in 2010. The AKM is a model of environmentally friendly preservation. The main visible addition are the louvers onto the aluminum façade as part of the energy-saving design strategy. The modernization works were designed by renowned Turkish архитектура firm Tabanlıoğlu Mimarlık.

The Board for the Protection of Cultural Property decided on 31 December 2009 that the building has to be renovated as it stands. On 9 April 2012, a tender was held for the renovation project. The re-opening of the AKM was planned for 29 October 2013, the Republic Day. The renovation cost budget amounted to Шаблон:Turkish lira 70 million (approx. US$39 million). The project was stopped, however, in May 2013. That year, it was reported that the AKM is to be demolished as part of the proposed redevelopment plans for the Таксим-Гези and Таксим (площадь) area and replace it with another opera house and a мечеть. During the Волнения в Турции (2013), which began on 28 May 2013, a great number of protesters went up in the night to the roof of the AKM with torches. Due to risk of collapse, the roof was evacuated. The police occupied the empty building and set it up as a logistic center. By February 2015, it came out that the 7-year-long empty building was plundered, its technical installations, иллюминация and audio equipment as well as many other objects were sold at second hand markets or junk shops even though the building was under police protection.


The AKM is built on a ground of Шаблон:Cvt and has a building plan area of Шаблон:Cvt with a useful area of Шаблон:Cvt. The complex comprises the «Grand Stage», a hall with a 1,317 total seat capacity hosting theater acts of Главное управление по государственным театрам (Турция) and performances of the Turkish State Opera and Ballet, and the «Concert Hall», a second hall with a capacity of 502 seats for concerts, meetings and conferences as well as an exhibition hall of Шаблон:Cvt at the entrance. There are also the «Chamber Theatre» with 296 seats, «Азиз Несин Stage» with 190 seats and a cinema hall with 206 seats.

Until 2008, the center has been the home to the

  • Istanbul State Symphony Orchestra and Choir (İstanbul Devlet Senfoni Orkestrası ve Korosu),
  • Istanbul State Modern Folk Music Ensemble (İstanbul Devlet Modern Halk Müziği Topluluğu) and
  • Istanbul State Classical Turkish Music Choir (İstanbul Devlet Klasik Türk Müziği Korosu).

During the summer and Information months, AKM has hosted the Istanbul Arts and Culture Festival.

New building

For the construction of a new building to replace the original AKM, demolition works began on 13 February 2018, after it was abandoned ten years before. The demolition completed after nearly three and half months on 30 May the same year. On 10 February 2019, construction of the new complex began with a groundbreaking ceremony attended by President Эрдоган, Реджеп Тайип. The new cultural complex will comprise five sections having a total area of Шаблон:Cvt. It will feature in addition to theatre, cinema and concert halls, an exhibition center, a convention hall, a library, a museum, an art gallery, cafés and restaurants. The architect of the new building is Murat Tabanlıoğlu, the son of Hayati Tabanlıoğlu, who designed the AKM built in 1969. The construction is planned to last 20 months. Its cost is budgeted to Шаблон:Turkish lira 850 million (approx. US$162 million).
